The Great Unsuccess Challenge - Publish your negative results

The Great Unsuccess Challenge - Publish your negative results

ScieNFT introduces an unusual initiative: "The Great Unsuccess Challenge." A unique contest aiming to shine a spotlight on the often overlooked but critically important aspect of research — the experiments that didn't go as planned, the hypotheses that were disproved, and the trials that failed to yield the expected outcomes.

With this challenge, ScieNFT invites researchers and students from around the globe to share their "unsuccessful" research findings, creating a space where these negative results are not only acknowledged but celebrated for their contribution to the collective tree of knowledge.

The Importance of Negative Results in Science

Historically, the scientific publishing world has exhibited a bias towards positive findings, leaving a vast treasure of negative results unpublished and unrecognized. This oversight not only skews the scientific record but also impedes the efficient advancement of knowledge.

Negative results are invaluable for several reasons

  • They serve as critical checkpoints, redirecting research efforts away from ineffective methodologies or flawed hypotheses.
  • By illuminating these dead ends, they help conserve resources — both time and financial.
  • They prevent the redundancy of efforts across the scientific community.
  • They foster innovation by highlighting the need for alternative approaches and new hypotheses.

Notable figures in science have long advocated for the recognition of failures and negative results.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Thomas Edison's

Challenge Details

ScieNFT #1 Challenge Awards.

Researchers and students are encouraged to share research findings that didn't achieve expected outcomes. Submissions require detailed descriptions in English, including hypotheses, methodologies, and reasons for considering the results negative. Prizes include cash awards for the top three entries, featured NFTs, and tokens for all participants.

Participation details emphasize the importance of clarity and thoroughness in submissions to enhance understanding and appreciation of the scientific process. For full details, visit the ScieNFT challenge page.


For a comprehensive exploration of how NFTs can represent and revolutionize the sharing, valuation, and funding of scientific research, including unsuccessful experiments, please refer directly to

This resource provides detailed insights and guidelines on the initiative, underscoring the importance of acknowledging and sharing negative results within the scientific community. It also includes a FAQs section addressing common questions about the challenge, its submission process, and criteria. For full details, visit ScieNFT Challenges.